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000272_blitz-list-request_Mon Sep 5 12:32:21 1994.msg
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Received: from sisvax (sisvax.sis.port.ac.uk []) by kantti.helsinki.fi (8.6.9/8.6.5) with SMTP id MAA00206 for <blitz-list@helsinki.fi>; Mon, 5 Sep 1994 12:30:43 +0300
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 1994 10:23:05 +0100
Message-Id: <94090510230540@sisvax.sis.port.ac.uk>
From: sis3149@sisvax.sis.port.ac.uk (HANG-FIRE)
To: blitz-list@helsinki.fi
Subject: Stuff
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Hi folks,
> Just to say that my ftp site is now open. If you have any blitz stuff
> you want to put on it, simply log in and download, making sure to
> include a txt file too..
At last its back on line!
> IMPORTANT: This ftp site is based on a crappy novell system, so only
> 8.3 filenames are allowed!!! 8( So no .readme files (they won't
> work), just .txt files (eg. myprog.txt).
Tragic PC rubbish! Buy an Amiga A4000T!
> Currently the ftp site is only one directory, but I'll hopefully
> structure it a bit better as soon as I have time, adding a blitz dir
> etc etc. If you have a new version of a blitz program already on the
> site, you cannot upload over the top of the old one, or delete it.
> So either call the new one by a different name (and I'll sort it
> out), or upload to the incoming dir which I'll eventually create!!
> 2. Its not a speedy site, so please don't abuse it. I'm only
> providing it as a service to fellow blitzers. If problems arise due
> to misuse or cronic over use (which will slow my PC down - which my
> boss won;t be too happy about, and its slow enough anyway 8^), then I
> may withdraw it. So no complaints about the speed, its the speed you
> see, and nothing will change that...
Speed? Ha! Try using the sisvax!
> 1. Starwoids (dms). Oldish version actually, but I'll leave it there.
Cool little game..... ;-)
> 2. RILibs. This is newer than the one on aminet, but not the newist!
> Steve, upload with all speed.
I'll try and get something sorted out over the next week.
A new release of the ZoneJoy library is nearly ready. It supports 020
instructions (i.e. CMP2) and has had the joystick testing routines enchanced to
remove unnecessary code and sloppy work ;-).
Hopefully I'll be testing the lib out, then once I've done exhaustive testing
(e.g. about 10 mins) I'll go some updating docs for it.
Note: The 020 testing is switch on or offable BUT you can obviously only
switch it on if you have a 68020 in your Amiga.
> 3. BlitzGuide. Again, not the newish I don't think, but again, upload
> the new one if you want Jurgen.
Great work from Jurgen! I've got the guide installed on my machine and have it
available at a touch of a key. Everyone should have a copy ;-).
I have been unable to mail you directly. I have, though, placed a message in
your ftp site named TOMARTIN.TXT. Read this and delete it please. Anyone else
can read it as well but I don't think you'll get too much out of it ;-).
Bye-bye from me,
Steve Mc.
| Stephen McNamara Reflective Images| My map editor's NOT a bit buggy ;-) |
| A1200/170HD/6MB/Blitz2 | Current project : BlitzBombers AGA |
| | [#################################:] |
| >>> HANG-FIRE <<< | Current Project : RI Libs v??? |
| | [###########################:::::::] |
| | Current Project : RI Map Editor v1.2 |
| sis3149@sisvax.sis.port.ac.uk | [#################################:] |